7.30am Service (APB)
Readers: Olivia Kennedy, Jeremy Smith
Lay Ministers: Bruce Probyn, Ruth Chalmers
Presider/Preacher: Jeremy Smith
Server: Sandra Bentley-Green
Stewards: Kevin & Mary Frost, Bruce Dietrich
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 365 – God is love: let heav’n adore him
Offertory: AM 226 – From thee all skill and science flow
Recessional: AM 361 – For the healing of the nations
9.15am Service (APB)
Readers: Diane Abrahams, Jeremy Smith
Lay Ministers: Marvel Billett, Diane Abrahams, David Barnard
Presider/Preacher: Jeremy Smith
Servers: Andrew Faure, Gerald Swartz, Caroline Isted, James Jaftha
Streamer: Grant McWilliams
Stewards: Bob Summers, Josie Cairncross
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 365 – God is love: let heav’n adore him
Gradual: AM 226 – From thee all skill and science flow
Offertory: AM 361 – For the healing of the nations
Communion: SOF 298 – Jesus, Name above all names
SOF 124 – Give thanks
Recessional: AM 125 – O for a thousand tongues to sing
11.00am Family Service
Leader: Jeremy Smith
Pianist: Jeremy Quickfall
Hymns: 55 – Peace like a river
47 – Majesty
20 – God forgave my sins in Jesus name
6.30pm Live Zoom Contemplative Service
Join us on Sunday evenings, 18h20 for 18h30 to 19h00.
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ID: 316 063 1292. Passcode: LOVE
O God of love your embrace includes
everyone: open our hearts and minds to your generous will that in what we say and do we proclaim Christ’s love
and serve the needs of our neighbours;
through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Psalm 125
1 Those who put their trust in the Lord shall be asMount Zion:
which cannot be shaken, but endures for ever.
2 As the mountains stand about Jerusalem,
so stands the Lord about his people:
from this time forward for evermore.
3 For the sceptre of wickedness shall have no sway
over the land apportioned to the righteous:
lest the righteous set their hands to do evil.
4 Do good, O Lord, to those who are good:
to those that are upright in heart.
5 As for those who turn aside to crooked ways,
let the Lord lead them away with the evildoers:
and in Israel let there be peace.
Proverbs 22: 1-2,8-9,22-23 James 2: 1-10,14-17
Psalm 125 Mark 7: 24-37
Proverbs 1: 20-33 James 3: 1-12
Psalm 19 Mark 8: 27-38
Fundraising Concert for Eluvukweni
Sunday 15th September 2pm @ St Georges Cathedral Tickets R120 adults and R60 children; see poster in the porch for further details.
Wine Visit - Thursday 26th September @ 11am Villiersdorp Winery
Christo the winemaker will be giving us a tasting of their wines, followed by lunch in their restaurant Kelkiewyn which serves light meals. Call Paddy (021 761 75115 or email paddymcphers@mweb.co.za)
Sounds for the Soul – Sunday 29th September @ 6.30pm
Jeremy’s favourite works from Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Debussy. Programs at the back of the church.
Sandwich makers for Constantia Primary School
are needing donations of baked beans and soft margarine.
Fête – Sunday 15 September
Raffle tickets and cakes will be on sale after the services. If you are able to donate cakes, brownies, biscuits, fudge or any other favourite bake please collect a box from Sandy after the service.
Today – Terry is at St Columba Gugulethu
Thursday 12th – Service at Riverside @ 10.30am
Luke 6: 6-11 Luke 6 27-38
Luke 6: 12-19 Luke 6: 39-42
Luke 6: 20-26 Luke 6: 43-49