Pew Leaflet


7.30am Service (APB)
Readers: Jessie Lund, Terry Lester
Lay Ministers: Ian Hart, Bruce Probyn
Presider/Preacher: Terry Lester
Server: Ruth Chalmers
Stewards: Bruce Dietrich, Paddy McPherson,
Trish McLeod
Organist: Chandler White
Introit: SOF 200 – I am the bread of life (omit v3)
Offertory: AM 246 – Just as I am, without one plea
Recessional: AM 458 – Forth in the peace of Christ we go

9.15am Service (APB)
Readers: Marvel Billett, Terry Lester
Lay Ministers: Gail McLellan, Wendy Crowster, Haidee Williams
Presider/Preacher: Terry Lester
Servers: Matthew Adams, James Jaftha, Blake Crowster, Leighya Hendricks
Streamer: Roger Steward
Stewards: Sandra Hannival, Karen Pietersen, Jill
Organist: Chandler White
Introit: SOF 200 – I am the bread of life (omit v3)
Gradual: SOF 762 – Here is bread, here is wine
Offertory AM 246 – Just as I am, without one plea
Communion: SOF 242 – In my life, Lord
Taizé – Ubi Caritas Recessional: AM 458 – Forth in the peace of Christ we go

11.00am Family Service
Leader: Terry Lester
Pianist: Chandler White
Hymns 33 – I sing Praises
7 – Will you let me be your servant
43 – Jesus name above all names

6.30pm Live Zoom Contemplative Service
Join us on Sunday evenings, 18h20 for 18h30 to 19h00.
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ID: 316 063 1292. Passcode: LOVE


Generous God,
you nourish us with the words of life and the bread of blessing:
strengthen us to live confidently in your goodness, facing our fears and sharing our bread;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever.

Psalm 14

1 Fools have said in their hearts ‘There is no God’:
they have all become vile and abominable in their doings,
there is not one that does good.
2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children ofAdam:to see if there were any who would act wisely and seek
after God.
3 But they have all turned out of the way,
they have all alike become corrupt:
there is none that does good, no not one.
4 Are all the evildoers devoid of understanding:
who eat up my people as they eat bread,
and do not pray to the Lord?
5 They shall be struck with terror:
for God is with the company of the righteous.
6 Though they frustrate the poor in their hopes:
surely the Lord is their refuge.
7 O that deliverance for Israel might come forth from Zion:
when the Lord turns again the fortunes of his people,
then shall Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.

Ubi caritas et amor
Ubi caritas, deus ibi est
Live in charity and steadfast love
Live in charity; God will dwell with you.


Christ Church Concert – Sunday 4th August @ 3pm
The Buddy Wells Quartet, top Jazz saxophonist Buddy Wells has performed at the Cape Town Jazz festival and festivals around the world. Tickets available on Quicket or call Anne on 082 218 0100.

Confirmation Classes
are starting on Sunday 18th August, please contact the office for application forms.

The Shop
requires helpers to work on Sundays, please consider offering your time to help here, all funds raised in the shop goes towards outreach programs, Contact the office if you would like more information.

Standard Bank, Constantia, branch code: 25309,
account number 071 699 120

2 Samuel 11: 1-15                          Ephesians 3: 14-21
Psalm 14                           John 6: 1-21
Matthew 13: 31-35                           Matthew 13: 47-52
Matthew 13: 36-43                           Matthew 13: 53-58
Matthew 13: 44-46                           Matthew 14: 1-12
2 Samuel 11: 26-12: 13a                           Ephesians 4: 1-16
Psalm 51: 1-12                           John 6: 24-35