Pew Leaflet


7.30am Service (APB)
Readers: Donald Todd, Jeremy Smith
Lay Ministers: Ruth Chalmers, Donald Todd.
Presider/Preacher: Jeremy Smith
Server: Ian Hart
Stewards: Trish Macleod, Jean Avis, Arthur Clarke
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 526 – When Jesus came to Jordan
Offertory: AM 93 – Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Recessional: SOF 278 – I will sing the wondrous story

9.15am Service (APB)
Readers: Shirley Charles, Jeremy Smith
Lay Ministers: Wendy Crowster, Shirley Charles, Lisle Adams
Presider/Preacher: Jeremy Smith
Servers: Matthew Adams, Gerald Swartz, Amy Adams, Mason Crowster
Streamer: Donald Todd
Stewards: George and Emma Fonzari, Jill Buchanan
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 27 – On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
Gradual: AM 526 – When Jesus came to Jordan
Offertory: AM 93 – Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Communion: SOF 40 – Be still
SOF 102 – Father, we love You
Recessional: SOF 278 – I will sing the wondrous story

11.00am Family Service and Baptisms

Leader: Jeremy Smith
Pianist: Jeremy Quickfall
Hymns: All things bright and beautiful
Give thanks
This little light of mine
Baptisms: Francesca Cornish, Timothy Cornish,
Rylee Petersen

6.30pm Live Zoom Contemplative Service
Join us on Sunday evenings, 18h20 for 18h30 to 19h00. DRLVW1LQVRXdz09 Or type in this ID: 316 063 1292.
Passcode: LOVE


Creator God, our soul’s delight, your voice thunders over the waters,
liberating the future from the past: speak your affirming word that we may share in the baptism of Jesus Christ, drink from his cup and serve the world in his name; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

Psalm 29

1 Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven:
ascribe to the Lord glory and might.
2 Ascribe to the Lord the honour due to his name:
O worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness.
3 The voice of the Lord upon the waters:
the God of glory thunders, the Lord upon the great waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is mighty in operation:
the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice.
5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar-trees:
the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes them skip like a calf:
Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of the Lord divides the lightning-flash:
the voice of the Lord whirls the sands of the desert,
the Lord whirls the desert of Kadesh.
8 The voice of the Lord rends the terebinth trees,
and strips bare the forests:
in his temple all cry ‘Glory.’
9 The Lord sits enthroned above the water-flood:
the Lord sits enthroned as a king for ever.
10 The Lord will give strength to his people:
the Lord will give to his people the blessing of peace.

Isaiah 43:1-7                     Acts 8: 14-17
Psalm 29                     Luke 3: 15-17,21-22


Epiphany Stationery Appeal
Your support would be greatly appreciated; stationery suitable for primary school learners can be donated and left at the office. Alternatively, you can
make a money donation using the reference “Constantia Primary Stationery” – bank details below.

Wine Visit – Thursday 23rd January @ 11am in the hall.

Lomond Wines will be coming up from Cape Agulhas. Lunch will follow at R160 with an extra R25 to go to a charity, to be advised. Book with Paddy before 20th Jan 021 761 7515 or

Farewell service for Terry – 26th January.
There will be one service at 8am, followed by tea and refreshments in the hall.

Christ Church Concert – Sunday 2nd February @ 3pm
Andrew Young and Tony Drake present Rockin’ all over the world. Expect a concert filled with passion, adventure and global sounds. Tickets are R170 and unreserved seating can be booked on Quicket or by calling Anne on 082 218 0100.

The Shop – Will be closed until 15th January.

Christ Church Constantia – Bank details:
Standard Bank, Constantia, branch code: 25309,
account number: 071 699 120

Mark 1: 14-20                   Mark1: 40-45
Mark 1: 21-28                   Mark 2: 1-12
Mark 1: 29-39                   Mark 2: 13-17


Isaiah 62: 1-5                  Corinthians 12: 1-11
Psalm 36: 5-10                   John 2: 1-11